Monthly Archives: January 2020
Mujeres bici-bles
Andrea María Navarrete is the founder of Mujeres Bici-bles, a bike women group with the aim to empower themselves. Mujeres Bici-bles is a Latin American social movement with headquarters in Colombia, Mexico, Peru, Bolivia and Argentina. Their main target is to help women to ride bikes in urban scenarios. Urban biking can be difficult for men, but it is more problematic for women specially in the patriarchal societies. Thanks to the mind of its founder, who is also a university teacher, urban cyclist and touring cyclist, this movement has quickly spread. They support other women who want to start riding a bike. For instance, in the Colombian cities of Bucaramanga and Salta, they have informal schools to teach more women pedaling.
OK, but what if I want to create a Mujeres Bici-bles group in my city? Well you can contact to Andrea María through [email protected] or Twitter (@MujeresBicicles).
She offers a talk, the group creation and, if future bikers want, interesting teachings about how to create the bike school for women in every city she travels. In return, Andrea María asks for help to move to another city and a place to spend a few days. Once the group is created, she proposes talks regarding genre perspective, and pedaling and mechanics workshops.
Opening of the world’s biggest bicycle parking garage in Utrecht, NL
De Pijp, Amsterdam 1972
Bike monuments
Monuments have been using to honor or commemorate somebody or something for ages. Kings, conquerors or discoverers overcrowd them as it comes to persons. Regarding buildings, there is a myriad of them with different architectures across the world. Thus, we are used to seeing them in most cities.
What is more surprising is to come across with a bike monument. This is a structure in which a bicycle appears alone or as part of a sculptural ensemble. As the bike movement develops, more and more bike monuments are built to express the change that society is experiencing. Similarly to queens and kings sculptures, bike monuments constitute what people gives importance.
Perhaps there are more bikers collecting bike monuments, but I only know one person who is truly doing this. In the Bicimonumentos (in Spanish) webpage one can consult bike monuments in a lot of countries. It is impressive realizing that the love for bikes is so widespread. By the way, if you want to send it some bike monuments photos or locations, you can do it by sending a private message to Also, the blog could receive bike monuments information but I am not completely sure about this last point.