Author Archives: jm

Cargo bikes history

Cargo bikes are a type of bicycles with special frame, larger than a normal bike, to carry persons, pets and objects. We see them more this year than the previous one. They are folk from year to year. What is its history?

They appeared before the actual bicycles in England back in 1877. It was when James Stanley conceived a tricycle with a platform in order to transport people and goods. The very one of the cargo bike was a machine less attractive with an iron frame, without gears and a small surface to carry loads. However, the improvement in wheels, the larger platform and improvement techniques and even technologies have made them to be more suitable to farmers, craftspeople, postpeople, and riders among others. Improvement continued and cargo bikes were looked from mundane machines to the present beautiful, good-looking ones.

Sara Dykman

Every year, the Monarch Butterfly, Danaus Plexippus, goes from the USA to Mexico in a massive migration of about 5,000 kilometers. Millions of this butterfly start it with the unique help of their instinct. Sara Dykman accompanied them by pedaling for nine months in which she learned a lot about this insect and came across interesting people. As a result, she wrote the book Bicycling with Butterflies which is plenty of data and rigor as well as humor and lyricism.

In reality, the Monarch Butterfly spends Winter in the Oyamel forests in Michoacan, Mexico and flies to the USA and Canada. When the cold of Autumn arrives, they go back to Mexico. Four generations are needed to complete the migration and lay their eggs on the milkweed plant. Thus, the butterflies which return to Mexico are the great-granddaughter of the ones which initiated the migration.

Sara studied the specie and discovered that this butterfly travels about one hundred kilometers a day. This figure is the preferred one to ride in a day for Sara. She learned a lot about people and butterflies since she claims that we are connected to nature and the force of unity: A butterfly weights 0.5 grams, but if millions perch on a branch, they can break it.

Ruyi bridge

If you were born in Western countries, you probably identify it as a massive treble clef, whereas if you are a Chinese, you will see it a special, well-known sign immediately. As time goes by, bridges designs have evolved into a more eye-attracting ones. If these bridges are bike and pedestrian friendly, they are better. This is the case of the Ruyi bridge.

This steel and reinforced concrete bridge is located in Chengdu, China, and was approved back in 2016 as a part of the High Technology Zone Principal Landscape Improvement project. It connects two concurred neighbors: Tianfu and the Dayuan Central Park. Their designers inspired in the panpipes, a traditional Chinese music instrument. It is 331 meters long and between 2.36 and 9.23 meters wide. It counts with two spiral staircase for pedestrians and two two ramps allow bikers to access it.

Bicycles and songs

Bicycles are much more than mere machines. People have developed culture around them and this time I show some of the songs dedicated or related to them:

What is the real autonomy of an e-bike?

When you surf the net looking for electric bicycles information, bike manufacturers and shops offer it as X kilometers for a complete full battery. They say 50, 80, 100 or 120 kilometers that the e-bike can run with the battery. However, the lack of an international standard makes it impossible to compare e-bikes models. There is a clear, famous statement: the more Wh a battery has, the more kilometers can ride a biker.

Moreover, several factors come into play. For instance, take the same e-bike and the same cyclist, but different wind direction or speed, how many her saddlebags weight, aerodynamics of garment and accessories, wheels pressure, slope of a road, what gear she uses the most or whether she pedals in a cold or warm day (lithium batteries are more affected by low temperatures, thus they perform up to 20% less).

The traditional flux of questions-answers starts by the client, arrives to the shop owner, then the distributor and finally reaches the e-bicycle manufacturer. It would be so easy to make it simpler if there was an international standard. For example, every e-bike on a standardized bicycle roller with a dynamometer would allow to calculate the power and the exact battery consumption. Taking these numbers, manufacturers could apply a -+10 or a +-20 to give bicyclers real data about their products. In the meantime, bikers look for personal experiences about e-bikes in internet forums and specialized webs.

Recumbent bicycles

Bicycles can be adapted to whoever, no matter his physical condition. In some cases cyclists can suffer if they use a bad saddle which can cause back and ass pain. Such was the reason why at least one bike manufacturer was created. In reality, the bike store is dedicated mainly to recumbent bicycles and by smaller amount cargo bikes. The recumbent bicycle allows biker to pedal more comfortable since she can lean also her back. However, one has to pay attention not to experience an exaggerated curve in the backbone between back and neck.

Positive points (more than allowing disable people use them) are:

– Extra stability thanks to the third wheel

– Good maneuverability after you learn movements and brakes since they are located differently as in a traditional bicycle

– High visibility at ground level

– Pedestrians look at them because the are few recumbent bicycles. The more recumbent bicycles, the more unnoticed will go.

Andy Singer

Andy Singer was born in New York and moved in Berkeley (California) and Saint Paul (Minnesota). He has not car even in living in the USA and thinking highways are too wide, buildings are too separated and there is too much space for motorways and car parking. This is something that town planners call “sprawl”. As a result, it is a waste of time, space and gas. He also reckons that people who drive cars on a regular basis see the world through their windscreen and do not stop to talk to citizens, neither appreciate their surroundings. He goes a step further and as a ecologist he affirms cars pollute waterway when it rains on highways, as well as negative impacts of gas leaks and petrol industry. Moreover, in his opinion electric cars will not solve these problems since the environmental impacts in the raw material extraction, transformation and end of life will continue. In contrast, a bike uses much less resources than a car and has a longer life expectancy. He finally concludes that as a cyclist and does not pay for gas, tolls, insurances and other expenses for having a car.

Riding in Saint Paul is pleasant thanks to the efforts in building bike lines, is an almost flat location and has large parks close to the Mississippi river. But the worst is pedaling in winter when the temperature diminishes to -30 degrees Celsius. In this case he uses fat bikes (bikes with fat wheels) and a tricycle to go shopping.

Moreover, he makes cartoons about bikes (among others) and does it because he communicates with the world through them and are based on his experiences and interests. He drew for The New Yorker and The New York Times, but most of his clients are independent media.

The European Cyclists’ Federation

The European Cyclists’ Federation (ECF) is an international organization that acts as an umbrella over the European countries bicycle organizations. There are at least one bicycle organization by country. It interacts with the European Commission, the European Parliament or the Council of Europe as well as the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe or the World Health Organization.

The ECF puts into practice its influence to support laws which promote biking, avoid those which harm it and maintain cyclist in the politics agenda. Moreover, the ECF coordinates the Eurovelo and organizes the Velo-City every year.

According to its president, three factors have contributed to the boom of biking in the last years: Climate change, COVID-19 and the Ukraine war. This last point contributed to increase the price of raw materials. Furthermore, he indicates that most moves within a city are as long as 5 kilometers, a perfect distance to pedal, and the main contribution to climate change and pollution at city level is produced by combustion engine vehicles. Thus, bicycles are perfect to face it.

A brief Amsterdam story

Back in the 70’s, the number of purchased cars increased in Amsterdam and car parking were created, although citizens were detrimental due to the lack of pedestrian areas. Even channels were dried to gain extra space for cars. Such cars increment provoked a chaos and an augmentation in crashes, thus deaths. At that time the Agenda Autoluw was created. It is the politics of reducing private cars and make it difficult the entrance of it to cities in essence.

At the beginning of the XXI century, the same city experienced a boom as it comes to new inhabitants (an increase of 16%) and bikes (a higher percentage). As a result and partly because of tourists, streets were clogged with bicycles in sidewalks. This time pedestrians were affected. In 2012, public authorities started facing such a problem. New bike parks were built, campaigns for consciousness-raising were launched and bad parked bikes were banned. Additionally, car parks were transformed into bike parks. Moreover, impressive bike parks for thousands of bicycles have been opening in the last years with special interest when close of train stations and high demanded buildings.

Fyllings Dalstum Nelen

A traditional approach when pedaling from point A to point B and there is a mountain in the middle of the path is to create a road to save it, commonly by zigzagging. Some bicycles have gears to overcome high slopes, but some others do not. In Bergen, Norway, they have built a tunnel between two neighbors of the same city (Fyllingsdalen and Mindemyren). Originally, one should pedal for 35 minutes, whereas today a cyclist can spend 10 minutes to arrive to the same destiny. This almost 3 kilometers long, 6-meter width tunnel is opened for cyclists (3.5 meters of bike line) and pedestrians. (2.5 meters). It goes by in parallel to the train line and takes advantage of the auxiliary tunnel originally built as a complement to the railway.

Apart from the obvious improvement in the sustainable mobility, it also opt for security because of all the cameras which register images 24-7. However, the tunnel is only opened from 5:30 to 23:30. Additional improvements over common tunnels for bicycles are the emergency phones and speakers throughout it. In case of emergency, ambulances and firefighters can access without problem.

The main problem architects faced when building it was the high humidity since the mountain is plenty of water and needed a drainage system to overcome it.

As far as I know, this is the second larger tunnel for bikes. The most large is called Snoqualmie in Seattle with 3.6 kilometers.