Category Archives: Well done!

Rail trail

In previous centuries, rails were used as a way to democratize transport of most people to long distances. This is specially true in the rural Spain. As a result, long infrastructures crossing forests and mountains were built. This intelligent idea lasted for decades, but ultimately the bad economic situation provoked a massive migration from villages to cities. Some stretches of railroad stopped being use and lack of support made the rest. Alternatively, the rise of alternative ways of transport, mainly the car, reduced the use of rails.

Under so dismal situation and thanks to open-minded people, these infrastructures which are the backbone of large rural areas have became a good boost to promote cycle tourism. Some EuroVelo are indeed rail trails. Of course, they set up them since some were deteriorated as time went by. There is an additional point which makes it possible: only bicycles and pedestrians are allowed to enjoy them, giving them extra safety. Moreover, the spectacular landscapes, the suitability of curves plotting, the environment, forests, mountains or even cheering, happy people you meet in rail trails constitute all points in favor.

At the time I am writing this post, you can find the sections Where to go, What to do, Plan your trip, Calendar of events and Travel safe with a lot of information in the Green Paths webpage.

There are also rail trails at least in Bermuda, Canada, US, Germany, UK, Ireland, Belgium, Finland, Australia, New Zealand and Singapore. Thousands of kilometers are waiting for you and your bike.


Imagine bike lines to ride throughout European countries, from north to south, from east to west. This awesome idea is EuroVelo. EuroVelo improves European cycle tourism among countries. Indeed, one can cycle from one point to another just enjoying the landscape and cities you encounter in your path. EuroVelo is a project of the European Cyclist’ Federation. When completed, the EuroVelo network’s total length will almost be 90,000 km (55,923 mi). The routes are made of both existing national bike routes as well as existing general purpose roads. In addition, there are new stretches of cycle routes to connect them.

EuroVelo routes do not look for fast cycling, rather they are appropriate for relaxing pedaling while imbuing with the essence of the places you visit. All the routes are appropriate to bikes, but you should be prepared in case of bad weather. Moreover, you can book routes in the EuroVelo web with important information such as route duration, difficulty, elevation, tour type or suitable types of bicycles.

There are nineteen international routes in EuroVelo: Atlantic Coast route, Capitals route, Pilgrims route, Central Europe route, Via Romea (Francigena), Atlantic-Black sea route, Sun route, Mediterranean route, Baltic – Adriatic route, Baltic sea cycle route, East Europe route, North sea Cycle route, Iron Curtain Trail route, Waters of Central Europe route, Rhine cycle route, Rhone cycle route and Meuse cycle route. Each and every route offers bikers a myriad of possibilities to know new cultures, cuisine, monuments, nature, people, museums, castles, you name it. Just get inspired.

From the financial assistance to the bike movement in order to promote biking

When we were in the worst state of pandemic, some governments gave financial assistance to citizens to buy environmentally friendly ways of transport, mainly bicycles. Bikes allow private, mostly individual displacements while maintaining safety distance with other actors in the road, two good points in favor of fighting against Covid19 as we know. Another area covered by this money was the transformation of a conventional bike into an electric one. This point has sense specially in hilly or too extensive zones. And data showed a boom in the use of bikes in the next months.

A different impact of such an action could have been an increment in the cost of bikes. Since people have more money to spend, bicycles could cost more. This is an immoral approach because the financial assistance did not cover all the petitioners, thus many could have been expelled from the interesting assistance. I do not even like to think about what could have happened if a piece of news explained that the bike shop X or the bike manufacturer Y had increased the cost of bikes in these days. Surely, the branch would have need to invest substantially more money than the extra gained income as a result of the bike movement which only wants to populate roads with bicycles. Regarding its influence, the bike movement has made possible happier people, taking care of the planet or, indirectly, looking after bikers health. Concrete events like the Critical Mass, the European Mobility Week or the Iberian Congress, just to name but a few, have contributed to promote the bike use.

More and more people ride their bike every year. Thank you!