Category Archives: Valencia

The “anillo ciclista” II

Few weeks ago I talked about the “anillo ciclista” as one the most important cycling infrastructures in Valencia. It was inaugurated with the obliged cut of the ribbon. This change has been demanding by Valencia en bici for more than 23 years. The former government of the city demonstrated a total rejection towards bicycles and sustainable movement. It has became possible thanks to the new government. Not only has it constituted a symbol for the change in the urban movement, it also has represented an improvement for pedestrian as we enjoy more space on the sidewalks. Furthermore, cars do not drive at so high speed since the new bike line has reduced one car line. This fact has helped to correct part of the infamous highways inside the city, although there is still a lot of work to do.

Hundreds of urban cyclists have met to celebrate it. The inauguration has took place in an informal way. The new government has proposed itself not to inaugurate anything due to the fact this was a form of generating manipulated pieces of news by the former government. Indeed, the opening party has been made by people from Valencia en bici. The mayor and the councilman of sustainable mobility have been presented looking the event. After that, we have rode it forming two groups which in turn have divided in subgroups. One of the first has started riding clockwise whereas the second big group has done it the other side. We have coincided in front of the Serranos towers at the end.

Meeting point

End point

The anillo ciclista

A great transformation is being done in Valencia regarding bike infrastructure. The most incredible bike line is the perimeter of the former city wall above the important projects. Let’s learn a little bit of history. The city wall was built in the XIV century by Pedro el Ceremonioso to protect the city against pirates and muslins. It accomplished quite well this function until it was pulled down in the XIX century to allow the city growth. Historic documents show it.

It has been transformed in one of the city highways following its former perimeter in the century XX. It has been formed by four to six lines (mostly car lines) which produced noise and pollution, and locked downtown up in an unhealthy circle. The local government is transforming it in the anell ciclista (cyclist ring).

In a few words, it consists in a bi-directional bike line with a physical barrier so that cyclists can ride it in a safe way without worrying about cars. Cars lose one or two lines and traffic is calmed down. Moreover, more bike racks have been implemented in the route. At the same time pedestrians are safer and do not feel cars pressure so stifling as before.

The Clàssic Ride

Have you ever imagined how could be the bikes in the late 20’s? Do you like dressing as in 1940? All these questions and much more can be answered in the Tweed Ride. The Tweed Ride is a global movement in which cyclists dress in traditional attire and ride classic bikes for fun. The event is usually done with no fixed date once a year. It depends on the desires of the local organizations. The ride goes mostly through the city center in order to evoke a vintage, magical picture card. Above all, it is a celebration.

The Clàssic Ride is the name of this exceptional event in the city of Valencia. The organizers worked hard to plan, design and advertise every aspect. We started from the Serrano towers (one of the ancient entrances to the city) and made a stop in the middle of the ride to recover energy by drinking horchata (a typical, sweet, refreshing beverage made from tiger nut). Then, we continued until a charming square in the neighbor of Campanar. Here, a group of swing dancers of the Spirit of St. Louis made a demonstration of their skills under lindy hop music. And finally, we enjoyed a picnic in the gardens.

Here, you can see a bunch of photos of the special atmosphere.









Sharing traffic, main problems in Valencia (5/5)

Distraction is the last main traffic problem in Valencia. They can affect to every driver whether they drive a car, a bike, a truck, a motorcycle, etc. Causes are variate like the mobile phone, radio, disc reader, gps, you name it. In this post, I am going to center in the distractions due to exclusively the road. In the next picture, one can see a cross with the cars coming from a one-way road.


The problem here is that the bike-line is bidirectional and car drivers often forget to see to both sides. As a result, car accidents have occurred here.

Another example is given in conjunction with multiple traffic problems I have explained in this series. If we mix distractions plus high speed plus amber traffic-light, we have the next photos.



Cars come with excessive speed from the avenue named dels Tarongers. They can see the amber traffic-line, but they do not stop unless a pedestrian or a bike is really close. Nor do they see on both sides and as a result of bike reaching speeds of 10-20 km/h it is a miracle that there had not been any death biker at this point.

Sharing traffic, main problems in Valencia (4/5)

Excessive cars speed is a constant problem within Valencia. Speed limits range from 30 to 50 km/h depending on the city zone. Most car drivers do not comply in respecting them. Police efforts are inefficient and thus it is common to see cars driving at 70, 80, 90 or even 100 km/h every day. Drivers do not become aware this awful way of driving puts into risk their lives and those who surround them. This fact also translates into risk for bikers quite often. Crossings in which bike-lines are involved are in dangerous due to this. Apparently quiet roads like in the photos become problematic. It is usual that cars pass the traffic-light line as they drive with excessive speed. Moreover high speed provokes a reduction in the time drivers have to adapt to an unexpected event like a bike crossing a road on a bike-line. If they drove according to the law, there would be no problem of this nature. On the contrary, high speed appears as a key factor in every study on the main causes of car accidents not only in Valencia, but also in the rest of the Spanish roads.Speed1


Sharing traffic, main problems in Valencia (3/5)

Awful bike-lines are located in several zones of Valencia. Although the new government is making efforts to eradicate them, there is still a long way to do. One of these is the infamous bike-line in the El Puerto avenue. It was built some weeks before the America’s cup back in 2007.

The set is discouraging as you can see in the photo.


Not only forces you to make an unnecessary turn, but also this particular point presents additional problems. Instead of following a logical path marked by the red line, bikers must also deal with reduced visibility thanks to the stand and some distracted pedestrians as this bike-line goes on the pavement.


Another example of a bad bike-line is shown next.


In this case, there is not enough distance between it and the parked cars. It can be that if a co-pilot does not realize a bike is approaching from the right or the left, an accident is guaranteed.

Sharing traffic, main problems in Valencia (2/5)

One common problem for cyclists in Valencia is the existence of light-traffics in amber. I am not talking about the traditional cycle of green-amber-red, but rather amber or no-light specially in turns to the right. According to the Spanish law, cars should extreme attention in this circumstance. The point is the opposite to what should occur. Most car drivers do not take it into account and hence crash happens sometimes causing deaths. What is more, these signals are put next to zebra crossings while the bikes and pedestrians traffic-light is in green. In the next pictures you can see a classic example.



In some other parts in the city in which no bike-line is involved, riding on the road is also dangerous with amber light-traffics:


In this case smart assess try to overtake you by accelerating their cars while you are starting to ride. This causes a dangerous situation because most of them are idiot who do not care imperil their lives and those of people surrounding them.

Sharing traffic, main problems in Valencia (1/5)

There is a curious infrastructure in Valencia which I rarely see in any other great city in Europe or at least in the most advanced European countries as it comes to sustainable mobility. They are the “urban highways”. In other words, I am referring to avenues with three, four, five or even six lines in each direction. This causes a lot of pollution and noise. One secondary effect consists of cars not respecting the traffic-light line. In the next figures, you can clearly see them on the road.




And still lots of cyclists have had fights with cars and motorcycles which have not respected it. It is just a matter of time that a crash occurs.

Things are changing

Moving on a bike is beneficial to you and people around you. It enhances your mood and indirectly your neighbors’ health since you do not produce pollution. These statements seem quite clear but incorporating them is quite difficult. This change can be produced by social pressure as it was done in the Netherlands in the 70’s, or by selecting the right persons in key positions. Some people were surprised in seeing the former London mayor Boris Johnson in the city metro some years ago. It appeared to them a leading figure could not use the public transport. Obviously, this is wrong. Going a step further, putting elected urban cyclists in the public institutions is specially advantageous. In Valencia both, the mayor and the sustainable mobility city councilman, have been practicing cycling for ages and even participating in demonstrations against deaths in car accidents. The new point of view regarding biking has allowed the city to overcome the pig-headedness of the former government and implemented mobility changes from the biker perspective, producing a tangible progress in sustainability. Although there is a way to achieve the total sustainability, a lot of cities and villages around the world are moving in the right direction step by step.

How not to build a bike line

Bike lines constitute an easy and visible way to put on a brave face regarding green politics. This is clearly how non- or little-cyclist believe it. In real life, it is far more complicated. Bike lines produce a false feeling of security while riding, specially when it is shared with pedestrians. Accidents are produced by distractions or by their bad locations. For example, look at the point A in the next photo.


The fact of the small distance between the bike line and the wall, makes it perfectly possible to suffer an accident. This idea is reinforced if you take into account that the building at the right is a school and children run freely in working days.

Sometimes bike lines are given in to cars. In photo number 2, the bike line curves in an almost chaotic way in order to respect the parking car. Again, most cities are proned to cars, not to people.


Few times bike line colors confound cyclists, like in the case of photos 3 and 4, both corresponding to the same avenue and different pavements. Here, red and green are used instead of define a homogeneous color.

3 4

Photo 4 also shows obstacles and potholes make riding difficult. Constructing a bike line is much more than just painting lines in the pavement. Maintenance is needed and cases like photos 5 and 6 should be avoided.

5 6

Absurdities like photo 7 can make us thinking in another reason why bike line should be on highways, not on pavements. Here, people and bikes are virtually incompatible.


Moreover, curbs should be considered to facilitate an easy riding and avoid unnecessary jumps such as those in photo 8.


Finally, if you want a free ticket to the roller coaster, just ride in the photo 9, where there are three ups-and-downs to access to car parkings corresponding to points A, B and C.